Store Credits and Gift Certificates

Modified on Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 4:46 PM

Design Manager has special processing to handle POS returns and gift certificates. The software will remember any credits that have been issued and will display them whenever the customer buys something new until they are used up. To get the credits to display, you must type the customer's name or phone number exactly the way it was originally entered or look up the customer using the search button. To use a gift certification, the gift certificate number can be typed into the customer name field.


Setting Up Set

There is a small amount of setup required before you can use the store credit system. You need to add an account into your chart of accounts to hold the credits/gift certificates. To set up the account click on G/L and pick Accounts then click on the Add button. We will be entering a liability account so the account number will often start with a 2 (example 20950). A typical title for the account would be "Credits/Gift Certificates" Be sure to mark the account type as Liability and click on the OK button to save the new account.

You will also have to setup a sales category to handle store credits. Click on Glossaries and select Sales Categories then click on the Add button. For the Category Code use something like CREDIT or GIFTC then enter a name such as "Credits/Gift Certificates". The only account on this window that is important is the Sales Account for Merchandise. The account that you enter must be the store credit/gift certificate account you just set up above in the account file. The remainder of the accounts can be filled in with the defaults from the company file. Be sure to click OK to save the new sales category.

Next click on G/L and select Company Information. Click on the tab labeled POS/Showroom to display the setup window for point of sale and showroom information. About half way down the window you will see "Sales Category to Record Store Credits" and you will be able to enter a sales category. Enter the new sales category we just set up in the above step.

Entering a Store Credit

To enter a store credit, log into the point of sale system and then enter the customer's name and address information or select the project code if it is for an existing project. Next, click on the Items tab where you enter either a stock number of an inventory item, or a general credit. Click the Add button next to the items grid and enter the stock number of the item being returned. Enter the quantity being returned as a negative number. If the customer is returning 2 lamps, then enter a quantity of '-2'. For non-inventory type credits, do not enter a stock number, skip the quantity, and enter a description and the credit amount as a negative number. On this same window there is a flag to set the item as taxable. If this is a return then the taxable box should be checked if the original purchase was taxable. Click on OK to save the entry then go to the Totals / Payment tab.

Now select the Payment Type. By clicking on the down arrow you should be able to select [CR] at the bottom of the list. This is a special payment type that is added to the list by the computer. This is how the system knows that this is a store credit to be saved on account. Finally, print and post the credit.

When the customer returns to use the credit, the credit will show up automatically on the Items screen to the right of the stock number field at the top. First enter the new items that the customer is purchasing then click on the Use button. Another line for the credit will appear on the grid. If you want to use only part of the credit simply edit the credit line and change the amount as desired. The credit will continue to appear as long as the client has a credit balance.

Entering a Gift Certificate

To record a gift certificate it is best to buy gift certificates with numbers assigned to them or to assign a unique number to each certificate. To enter a gift certificate, log into the point of sale system and then enter the gift certificate's number into the customer's name field. Use the address/contact information to record the buyer of the certificate, if desired. Do NOT enter a project code to sell a gift certificate. Next, click on the Items and click the Add button next to the items grid. Leave the stock number and the quantity blank and enter the amount of the certificate as a positive number. Make sure that the taxable flag is unchecked. Finally, and most important, enter the sales category for Store Credits and Gift Certificates into the sales category field in the lower right of the window. Click on OK to save the entry then go to the Totals / Payment tab. Now select the Payment Type that the customer is actually using to purchase the certificate (do NOT use the [CR] type at the bottom of the list).

When a customer returns to use the gift certificate, use the Search to find and select the certificate?s number in the name field; the buyer of the gift certificate will pop up (if entered at purchase). Proceed to the items tab and enter the items that the customer is purchasing then click on the Use button. Another line for the credit will appear on the grid. If you want to use only part of the certificate simply edit the credit line and change the amount as desired, the customer can retain a copy of the gift certificate until all of the credit is used.


Design Manager provides a report under Point Of Sale (A/R report menu) called Open Store Credits. This report will list all of the open credits at the time it is printed. You cannot print this report retroactively. The report should total to the amount for the Store Credit liability account on the trial balance.