.SIF file specification

Modified on Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:51 PM

Header (one per file):

SF=<Specification File-Cross Reference>

ST=<Specification Title>

Records (repeat for each item in file):

PN=<Product Number>

PD=<Product Description>

MC=<Manufacturer (Vendor) Code (up to 5 chars.)>

TG=<Side mark>


PL=<List Price>

S-, S%=<Discount Percentage, i.e.: Sell Price = PL ? (PL * S- * 0.01)>

P%, B%=<Purchase/Buy Percentage, i.e.: Purchase Cost = PL ? (PL * P% * 0.01)>

ON=<Option Number>

OD=<Option Description>

AN=<Attribute Number>

AD=<Attribute Description>

PV=<Product Picture - Path and Filename of a Windows Bitmap or TIF file>

DXSC=<a valid Design Manager Sales Category>

DXBD=<Item budget amount

DXLC=<location code>

DXLN=<location name>


1.  Standard SIF files (i.e. from Giza?, CAP, etc.) are designed to be for a single project only. Either SF or ST is required ? Both may exist but at least one has to be present. ST is displayed to the user when they select the file for import; if ST is not present then SF is displayed. It is a good idea to set ST equal to the name of the Project so the Designer importing the SIF can select the proper Design Manager destination Project.

2. PN, PD, MC, QT, and PL are required. The rest are optional. ON and OD must be paired together, AN and AD must be paired together. PN must come before all other types as it designates the beginning of a new item, after PN the order does not matter (except that ON-OD, AN-AD). When using PV to import a picture, the default directory of the .SIF file will be assumed (i.e.: if just a filename is specified then the program will assume that the file exists in the same directory as the .SIF file).

3. MC is an up to five-character alphanumeric. MC is the manufacturer code of the party that sends the bill. For example, if the merchandise is from many vendors, but the sender of the SIF files bills the client for all merchandise, then MC should be the same for all items?that is, a five-character acronym for the sender. See #7 below.

4. ON and OD are meant to be any kind if additional info that is not normally part of the product number or description, such as color or size.

5. Attributes (AN and AD) can be any kind of notes that go along with the item. It might be a good idea to include an attribute with the original vendor in it, since the MC entry may be the same if the sender bills the client.

6. No entries can contain an embedded CRLF, as this is the record terminator.

 7. Four character acronyms are not part of the normal SIF file format. They begin with DX (Design Manager Extension) to allow the creator of the SIF file send additional information specific to Design Manager. All DX entries are optional.

a. DXSC, if present, must be a valid Design Manager Sales Category Code that exists in the Design Manager Sales Category Glossary. If the code is not found then the code entered by the user on the import window will be used.

b. DXBD is an amount placed in the budget field on the line item (found on the Pricing Tab of the Item Window).

c. DXLC, if present, must be a valid Design Manager Location Code that exists in the Design Manager Location Glossary. If the code is not found then the code entered by the user on the import window will be used. If the code is not found and DXLN is used in combination with DXLC, then a new Location entry will be created for the project.

Sample SIF File (as displayed in a program such as Notepad):

SF=Generic SIF;SIF-User John Doe,Created 7/1/2000,SIF-IO Express for Windows v1.31

ST=Accessories for receptionist workstation



PD=Keyboard drawer with mouse pad








PD=Side Support Bracket, for 29'h Work surface (1 pair)




