Using the Agent For option when a Client pays the Vendor directly (ProCloud)

Modified on Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 3:54 PM

If your client is paying the Vendors directly for all orders but you are generating the Orders to the Vendor, the Project should be set to default as Agent For.

This means that you are acting as an ?Agent? for your client; You will be ordering items for them, yet they will be sent the bill directly from the Vendor.

You can set this default on a Company level or a Project level.

To set Agent For on the Company level (ALL Projects will default to the Agent For setting):

Go to G/L ? Company Information ? Advanced ? PO/WO Tab.

Check off the ?Agent For? check box.

After checking the box, a message will appear asking for you to change your default percentage types to Fee.

It is highly suggested that you do.  This will make all component types work on a Fee based system.  All items entered into the system will show as a Fee to the Client; as they will be paying the Vendor for the Items/Components on their own.

Choose Yes to change the defaults to Fee.

You will see the % Type change to Fee on the General tab.  Here you can enter in the % Fee you would like to charge for each of the different Component Types.

Choose OK after making your changes.

The above defaults will be set for all NEW projects added to the system. In order to change an Existing Project?s defaults, you must Edit the Project separately.

To set Agent For on the Project level:

Go to Project and highlight the existing project.  Choose Edit.

Go to the Defaults tab and then choose the Advanced/Markup button ? PO/WO tab.

Choose the ?Agent For? check box.

Follow the instructions above for changing the percentage Type defaults to Fee.

Once the Company and/or Project settings are ready, you can add new Items to the Project to generate a Purchase Order.

The items should appear as follows:

All % Type are set to Fee ? this is the amount that you will be charging them as a Design Fee.

Once the Items/Components are entered you can then add them to a Purchase Order. 

Once Generated, the PO will appear as below; with the Agent For information at the top:

When you are ready to bill the Client, you can generate an Invoice for the Fee items that were entered.