When logging into the Cloud you see a desktop that isn't yours

Modified on Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 2:31 PM

Windows Users - When logging into the Cloud Version you see Citrix Desktop (a desktop that isn't yours)

Clicking on your Design Manager icon doesn’t bring up your program, but instead brings up a desktop that isn’t yours.

On the desktop that isn’t yours, click the Start Button in the lower left hand corner, then click the Black arrow and select Log out.  Once you have logged out from the Citrix Desktop, go back to the online portal and click Preferences and then click Session Settings.  Click the Enable Printer mapping setting, then click the Save button at the bottom.

Try and access your online program again.  If you are able to access the program, uncheck the enable printer mapping and see if you are able to connect.  If you have problems logging in when printer mapping is enabled, but are able to access when it is disabled, you may have a printer driver that needs to be updated or changed to a compatible version.