Show Sales Tax on a Proposal

Modified on Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:54 PM

When making a Proposal sometimes you may want to show the Sales Tax on it.  To do this you need to set a default for the Project or Company.

  1. Go to Projects and Edit the Project you are working on.
  2. Choose Defaults - Advanced -- Proposal
  3. Make sure that the check box for Suppress Sales tax is unchecked.
  4. Also, make sure that you have the item components that are taxable tagged as taxable in the component specification.
  • To do this Company wide (this will make this the default for all NEW projects created) - you will need to go to Company Information - Advanced - Proposal. Uncheck the Suppress Sales Tax Box. Chose OK.
  •  If you want ALL projects including those already created to have this set as a default -- choose the Update Projects Button.  Check off ONLY the Proposal check box under the Update area.  You can decide which projects to update by entering them in the Projects Field, or leave it blank to do ALL.  This will change ALL Projects Proposal defaults to be exactly as they are in the Company Information - Proposal window.