Colorado Retail Delivery Fee

Modified on Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 11:37 AM

On July 1st, 2022 Colorado implemented a Delivery Fee of .27 on goods being delivered.  More details and specifics can be found via their website below.  As always, please review this and any accounting questions with a qualified CPA to ensure the suggestion provided here is in accordance with your local tax laws.

There is no way to implement this automatically into Design Manager at the current time.  The Retail Delivery Fee (RDF) can be charged and tracked via the method below:

Create a new Item each time that the Retail Delivery Fee needs to be charged to your customer. An example is provided below.  The Item Description can be adjusted if desired to include additional information such as Order Number (Proposal Number) if desired. Also note that the component is set at Merchandise which will allow this Item Description to print on most versions of the Client Invoice.  

A Sales Category called Colorado Retail Delivery Fee and Colorado Retail Delivery Liability Account have also been setup which will allow us to track how much money has been charged to our customers for this fee.  This will show on reports such as the Sales Journal and Balance Sheet.  This Sales Category setup is not a typical representation of how Sales Categories are configured.  However, this will record any sales of the CDRF into the corresponding Liability account and if a Purchase Order is accidentally created and vendor invoice issued for these fees, it will reduce the amount of CRDF required to be paid. 

When appropriate, you can include the "Colorado Retail Delivery Fee" item(s) onto any invoice that is required to collect this fee. 

To determine the amount of CRDF due, the Balance Sheet can be run which will show the total money charged for the Colorado Delivery Fee in the Colorado Delivery Fee Liability Account.  This can then be added to the Sales Tax payment when the Sales Tax is filed.