How to Setup a Client as a ClientConnect/Website User for DMCloud

Modified on Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 2:51 PM

How to Setup a Client as a ClientConnect/Website User, so they may have access to ClientConnect for DMCloud

(for the DMProCloud version click here)

Watch our Getting Started tutorial videos:

DMCloud Users       

ProCloud Users

Creating a New Website User for DMCloud version

To allow a Client access to the ClientConnect Website you will need to add them as a new Website User.

Go to Glossaries – Clients.


Select/Highlight the Client.

Choose the Edit button.

Click on the Website Users Tab.

Choose Add  to Enter a New Website User.

Enter/Create a Unique User Name and Password. The User Name should ALWAYS be different for each Client and each user per Client. The Password MUST be at least 6 characters; both fields have a maximum of 15 Characters and may include all numbers, letters, or a combination of both.

  • Contact - the Name of the User.
  • E-mail – The E-mail address for this User. The E-mail Invite Message will be sent to this address.
  • Allow to see status – This checkbox gives this user access to the Status Reports on the Website.
  • Allow to make payments - This checkbox gives this user access to make payments against Proposals and Invoices.

Send an automatic email when new proposals or invoices areplaced on ClientConnect - This Checkbox allows you to have the system automaticallysend an email to the Website User to notify them that their Proposal or Invoicehas been added to the Website for viewing/payment. The checkbox will default aschecked; if you do NOT wish to Auto email the website user, deselect thischeckbox. See E-mail Proposal/Invoice Message for more information on theE-mail that will be sent. Additionally, see ClientConnect Proposal Status forinformation on how to set each individual Proposal setting.


Once a Website User has been added to the list, additionaloptions/buttons will be available on the Website Users tab.

 Edit an Existing User - Select/highlight the user on the grid and choose the Edit button. Make any of the necessary changes needed. This is where you would                reset/edit a password.

 Delete – To Delete a user, Select/highlight the user on the grid and choose the Delete button.

 Invite – Once you have added the user, or made changes to the user, you can send them an E-mail Invite. Select/highlight the user on the grid and choose the               Invite button. A confirmation window will appear and then the email window will show. The Invite E-mail will include the Invite Message found on the                               ClientConnect Settings – Email Message.

Once you have completed the set up and emailed the Client their log-in information, Choose OK to close the Client Glossary window. Or choose Add  to add any additional users that need access for this client. Each user, separately, can be given access to See Status and/or Make Payments. For example, you may give one user access to both abilities to See the Status and Make Payments; however, you may wish to give a second user access to only See the Status and not have the ability to Make any Payments.

Project Default Setting

If a Client has more than one Project you may select individually which Projects are available to be viewed on the ClientConnect website.

This default is controlled within the Project - Defaults tab. The Show on Client Connect box is selected by default.

Once you have Updated your ClientConnect you will notice a new symbol on the House Icon  for each of the Projects associated with the Client. This means they are setup as a ClientConnect Project.