Setting up a Single Design Fee as an Item

Modified on Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 12:33 PM

Single Design Fees can be entered into Design Manager just as you would enter a sofa or other merchandise item. 

(The following should be used for Design Fees that are billed as a whole, not for adding a Design Fee per Item. See article for Design Fees entered per Item)

1. Add a new item to the desired Project. Enter a Description to describe your Design Fee.

2. Choose the + sign on the right to open the Component window to enter the pricing.

3. On the component window, there is a drop down for the component type. Choose Design Fee.


4. Set the % Type to Discount.

5. Type the amount of the Design Fee into the Sell Price field.


6. Choose OK. Below is how the item will appear:

7. Choose OK again on the Item window.

You can now Add a new Proposal or Invoice for this Item.

1. To have this Design Fee item appear in the body of the Proposal/Invoice, you will need to set your Proposal/Invoice Style     to Combine. (Choosing Total will show the design fee at the bottom of the document only)

2. Change this by entering File> Company Information and Settings > Advanced > Proposal or Invoice tab; as well as on         the Project level by choosing Edit > Defaults >  Advanced > Proposal or Invoice tab. Find the Design Fee component type on these windows and just to the right use the drop down arrow to choose Combine.

Company Settings:

*Once the Company setting is changed, all NEW projects added afterwards will automatically have this setting defaulted. Choose Update Projects on the Company Information page to update current settings. 

Project Settings:

3. Choose Ok. Then choose OK again on the Company or Project window.

Example of an Invoice with a Single Design Fee: