Troubleshooting Windows Connection to Citrix Applications

Modified on Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:07 AM


Cloud application is not starting or takes longer than expected to launch when using a Windows PC.

(Mac users, please click here for help)

 ***Be sure that you have already completed all of the steps in the article here before continuing to the following suggestions. If you are still experiencing issues, please continue below***

Ensure that your Windows PC has the latest Updates installed

  • To install Windows updates go to your Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Update OR click on All Programs – Windows Update.
  • After installing all Windows updates, or verifying your Windows system is up-to-date, please verify you are running on the latest version of the Citrix Receiver as well. To do so, locate the Citrix icon at the bottom right of your Task Bar. Chose Advanced Preferences or About.
  • This version number should match the latest Citrix Receiver version found here. If you do not have the latest Citrix version, Download and Install it. Then try to launch your application again.
    • NOTE: Citrix does not support Windows XP or Windows Vista. Installing the latest Receiver version will NOT work with those operating systems.  Click here to install an older, unsupported version; however, we HIGHLY recommend upgrading your Windows PC to the latest Windows operating system.

Review your Devices and Printers

Checking your printer list and reducing it can make an impact on connection time. This is relevant because when connecting to our servers, Citrix maps each device that is installed locally. If there are numerous devices or devices no longer found, this could potentially impact your application’s launch time.

  • Go to Devices and Printers on your PC
  • Review each device that is installed on your computer. If there are any devices that are not used any more, choose to remove them. Then try to launch your application again.

If you’re still experiencing problems connecting to your application, continue to this article here or Contact Support.