Grids are slow to refresh when opening windows/sorting grid columns using SQL Server

Modified on Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:13 AM

Grids are slow to refresh or there is a several second delay when opening windows and sorting grid columns using SQL Server

Make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is enabled and that a static IP address is specified for the protocol and for the SQL Server computer.  This will ensure that the client computer does not have to do a DNS lookup or create a named pipe which could take a second or two.  Also, make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is enabled under the Native Client and that they are in the following order:  Shared Memory, TCP/IP, Named Pipes.

Also, make sure that the following patch is on your SQL server (as this is not yet available for R2, DM suggestions that everyone use SQL Server 2008 (R1) until R2 has been on the market longer).  Click here to read the article