Setting Security Settings for Desktop and Cloud Users

Modified on Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:23 PM

Security is managed on the Passwords Tab of the Company Information Window and is used to grant and restrict access to functionality within Design Manager.  Also, all financial activity in Design Manager is recorded by username and password in order to determine which user entered a given transaction when necessary. Design Manager requires you to have a unique password for desktop and for cloud, a unique username and password for each user.
The Administrator User Name has permanent access to all functionality in Design Manager and cannot be deleted or have its Attributes Edited.

Cloud Users

Cloud users will have similar Password functions as a Desktop user; however, the title, Password, has been changed to User Login.
In order to have multiple Passwords/Logins for the Cloud Software, you will need to purchase one for each user. Otherwise, only an Administrator login is given.
To make changes to a User's Login/Password accessibility, select File - Company Info and Settings, go to the Users & Security (Passwords) Tab.

Highlight the User you wish to Edit the attributes for and Choose Edit.

To set up the Login user's password attributes, click on the (+) to the left of a menu item and you will see View/ Access and a list of functions under the Lock. This means that the user logging in with the password will be able to view and access the menu item. By double clicking on the gold lock you will see it replaced with a red lock and the user will be prevented from accessing the menu item and all functions underneath it. Double click a 2nd time and the gold lock returns, restoring access. You can then click on the + to the left of any function and repeat the process. As long as you see the + next to an item or function you can click on it to go to the next level down.  

When setting these attributes, it is IMPORTANT to be sure that you Lock the Company Information - Passwords as shown below. If you do not do so, the User will be able to Edit their own attributes; thus giving themselves any functionality you may wish to prevent.

In the sample below, the Projects - Specifications Attribute has been opened for viewing and access. By double-clicking on the gold lock next to Edit, the Edit Specifications function is locked. A user logging into Design Manager with this password will be able to Add Items, but will be prevented from Editing them.

Once you have set all of the password attributes, you need to click on the OK button to save your work.

If you are configuring several passwords with the same set of attributes, you can use the Copy From button. Doing so will allow you to enter an existing Password from which you want to import the exact attribute configuration. You can then further customize the current Password you are creating as necessary.

*If you need to change a Password, you will do this on the Cloud website. Instructions for this are here.

Desktop Users

On Desktop, if an operator tries to enter Design Manager using a password that is already in use, a warning message will be displayed and the operator will not be permitted to enter. Of course, if an invalid Password is entered, the user will also be denied access to the program. 

To Create or Edit Passwords in Design Manager Standard, select File -� Company Settings (go to G/L -� Company Information and Settings for Professional Design Manager users). 

All Passwords currently available in Design Manager will be displayed on the Password grid. Design Manager is shipped with an Administrator User Name - which has a default Password of 'DM' (desktop versions ONLY). The default Password 'DM' can be changed as desired for the Administrator.

On the Company Information Window, go to the Passwords Tab. If you have just started using Design Manager, then only the Administrator Password will be displayed. Otherwise, you will see a list of all Passwords that have previously been entered. 

The Administrator Password can be changed as desired, although it cannot be deleted and the permissions cannot be altered. This User Name MUST remain Administrator.

To enter a new User Name and Password, click on the Add Button on the right side of the window. You will see the Password Window.

Password: This is the user's desired unique Password code. The Password code can consist of any combination numbers, letters, and special characters (i.e., #, %, &, etc.) up to 5 characters long.

User Name: The User Name is a required field and is generally the employee's name but can also be more generic such as 'Temporary Help' or 'Accounting'. The User Name will also be defaulted into the Microsoft® Word® Templates from the Rolodex Window. For more information on the Rolodex or using Templates, see Rolodex® in your Design Manager Help Manual.

User Title: The optional User Title is the employee's position title. The User Title will be defaulted into the Microsoft® Word® Templates from the Rolodex Window. 

User E-mail: The optional User E-mail is the employee's e-mail address and will be defaulted into the Microsoft® Word® Templates from the Rolodex Window. 

Copy From: The Copy From Button allows you to copy the Attributes from another Password into the current Password you are adding or editing. This is a convenient feature for rapidly configuring Passwords without having to set each Attribute individually.

Attributes: Each Password can be assigned specific permissions or Attributes which grant or restrict access to certain portions of the software. The tree diagram below the User Email and Employee displays the Password�s Attributes and roughly corresponds to the drop down menus on the main Design Manager window.

Setting Password Attributes

To set the Password attributes, click on the (+) to the left of a menu item and you will see View / Access and a list of functions under the Lock. This means that the user logging in with the password will be able to view and access the menu item. By double clicking on the gold lock you will see it replaced with a red lock and the user will be prevented from accessing the menu item and all functions underneath it. Double click a 2nd time and the gold lock returns, restoring access. You can then click on the + to the left of any function and repeat the process. As long as you see the + next to an item or function you can click on it to go to the next level down. 

When setting these attributes, it is IMPORTANT to be sure that you Lock the Company Information - Passwords as shown below. If you do not do so, the User will be able to Edit their own attributes; thus giving themselves any functionality you may wish to prevent.

In the example below, the Projects and Specifications � Projects Attribute has been opened for viewing and access. By double-clicking on the gold lock next to Delete, the Delete function is locked. A user logging into Design Manager with this password will be able to add and edit Projects, but will be prevented from Deleting any Projects

Item Configuration: You may want to set the Items/Specifications so they can be viewed but so that no Edits, Deletions, or Additions can be performed. This configuration is considered a 'View Only' setting. To do so, you would follow the directions above but lock the Add, Edit and Delete functions under the Projects and Specifications - Items Attribute. See the picture below:

Once you have set all of the password attributes, you need to click on the OK button to save your work.

If you are configuring several passwords with the same set of attributes, you can use the Copy From button. Doing so will allow you to enter an existing Password from which you want to import the exact attribute configuration. You can then further customize the current Password you are creating as necessary.