TSYS/Cayan Online Payment Settings for Pro Cloud

Modified on Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 1:35 PM

To change your Online Payment Settings, go to the File menu and select Online Payment Settings.

Here, you can choose the default settings for Payment Type, Allowing client Deposit or Invoice Payments, as well as entering an internal Status Email address.

  • Payment Type that online payments are posted to: This is the Payment Type that the Online payments will be brought into Design Manager as. You must have a TSYS (Merchant Warehouse) account to accept payments online. The choices in the drop down will come from the Company Settings - A/R & Showroom Tab. Any Cash Receipt Payment Type that has the Data Collection Type of Stripe / TSYS (Cayan) selected will appear on this list. This gives you the ability to create a separate Payment Type on the A/R & Showroom Tab that is specifically for Online Payments via ClientConnect. You can then choose this Type for the ClientConnect Payments, so that you may keep the Online receipts separate from other MerchantWare Credit Card Payment Receipts if you prefer. ***The Always ask for CV Code option must not be selected for the Cash Receipt Type you wish to use for your ClientConnect. If you do not see a selection for the website payment type in the drop down, be sure that the Cash Receipt Payment Type on the Company Settings - A/R & Showrrom Tab you wish to use does not have the Always Ask CV Code selection chosen.
  • When creating new documents: 
    • Allow Deposit Payments on Proposals - this option will set the default for whether or not the user may make Payments on sent Proposals. This pertains only to newly created Proposals with a positive Requested Deposit amount. If this default is changed, only new Proposals will be affected. To change the access to previous Proposals, go to the Proposal in Proposals & Documents and check the option for Allow Payments.
    • Allow Payments on Invoices - this option will set the default for whether or not the user may make Payments on the sent Invoices. this pertains only to newly accepted Invoices. If this default is changed, only new Invoices will be affected. To change the access to previous Invoices, go to the Invoice on the Client Invoices Window - Existing Invoices Tab and check the optin for Allow Payments.
  • Status Emails: Design Manager will email you after each client credit card payment has been processed online.  Enter the email address(es) you wish to have receive this notice. For multiple email addresses enter a semicolon (;) after each address and do not include a space after the semicolon. Example: [email protected];[email protected]

After changing any settings, remember to select Ok to save them.